Laser treatments

Brown spot removal

At GVSL we use several types of light and laser devices for pigmented skin conditions. Your dermal clinician will determine the correct treatment for you to fade the pigmentation without causing rebound hyperpigmentation. We utilise Q Switched 532nm and 1064nm laser and BBL light.

Hand rejuvenation laser treatment by Geelong Veins Skin & Laser

How does laser remove pigmentation?

The laser is used at a wavelength and setting that is attracted to the melanin or pigment cells which shatters them into small pieces which are then cleared by your body’s immune system.

What type of pigmentation can be removed?

  • Freckles / naevi
  • Solar lentigos / age spots
  • Melasma
  • Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  • Brown birthmarks
  • Brown scars
  • Stains from iron infusions
  • Haemosideran staining post leg vein treatment

Preparing for your appointment

No preparation is required.

Post-treatment guidelines

The treated area will immediately show a whiter frosted colour. Then in the following hours/days often the lesion is greyer or darker or has pepper like spots before fading away.

Everything you need to know
Do I need to see a doctor to have the spot checked before removal?

Yes – if it is a freckle, mole or solitary spot it needs to be cleared in a skin cancer check.

If it is melasma or a birthmark then you can book directly with the dermal clinician to start treatment

Why do I need a test spot?

For larger lesions we will start with a test spot and review the after effects before treating the whole area. This is to plan a safe and effective treatment for how your particular skin / area will react.

How many sessions of pigmentation laser will I need?

This depends on the condition being treated and size of the spot/s. Your dermal clinician will give you a prediction of the number of sessions at your first visit, but some brown spot skin conditions can be cleared with a single treatment, while others may need 3-4 sessions.

Geelong Veins Skin & Laser

The GVSL difference

At Geelong Veins Skin & Laser we provide complete care of you as a patient and your medical concern. You may see one, or several of our team in any consultation. We work together with expertise in general practice, radiology, vein specialties, dermal therapy, skin cancer medicine, vein / skin and cosmetic nursing to provide you with a treatment plan that will lead to safe and effective results.

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Before and after laser pigmentation treatments

All before and after photos are displayed with specific patient consent. Results may vary, discuss your individual needs with your health practitioner.

Geelong Veins, Skin & Laser

Not sure where to start?

Book a skin analysis or test patch appointment with one of our dermal clinicians.

Observ Skin Analysis