Dermal therapy treatments

Treatment for redness, pigmentation and skin concerns

BBL or Broad Band Light is one of our most popular dermal treatments at GVSL.


What is BBL?

BBL is an intense pulsed light treatment that enhances and brightens your complexion. It reduces the appearance of freckles, age spots, brown pigmentation, broken capillaries, facial redness, rosacea and signs of aging. It is also known as photorejuvenation or a photofacial.

Who is it for?


We get such great results with BBL that we could recommend it to almost everyone.

But in particular it is great for:

  • Fine facial redness, blotches, facial capillaries
  • Uneven skin tone and flat brown pigmented patches
  • Fine lines and signs of aging
  • Rosacea

Preparing for your appointment

  • No sunburn or tanning or fake tan for 2 weeks prior
  • No injectable treatments or peels for 2 weeks prior

Your dermal clinician may put you on a specific skincare regime to prepare your skin for 4 weeks prior, particularly if you are prone to pigmentation/melasma.

Post-treatment guidelines

  • Avoid sun exposure by covering up or using sunscreen for 48 hours post treatment.
  • Avoid stronger skin products like vitamin A serums for 1 week – your dermal clinician will review your skincare plan for you.
Everything you need to know
Are there any contraindications for BBL?

Photosensitising medications are a contraindication (eg. oral isotretinoin, doxycycline, minocycline, methotrexate). If uncertain our onsite doctors can give advice.

Can I do a BBL session regularly?

Repeating BBL sessions will give excellent results. You may be prescribed 3 sessions spaced monthly, or a regular session 3 monthly throughout the year. Our dermal clinicians can advise on the best plan for your skin.

Can BBL treat acne?

BBL can treat acne, but we also have other treatments such as medicated scripts, LED, facials/peels, laser and photodynamic therapy. Our team of doctors and dermal clinicians can guide you to the best treatment for your acne.

Can BBL be used on the body as well as face?

Yes – we do BBL treatments for chest / back / neck / arms / legs / hands.

Geelong Veins Skin & Laser

The GVSL difference

At Geelong Veins Skin & Laser we provide complete care of you as a patient and your medical concern. You may see one, or several of our team in any consultation. We work together with expertise in general practice, radiology, vein specialties, dermal therapy, skin cancer medicine, vein / skin and cosmetic nursing to provide you with a treatment plan that will lead to safe and effective results.

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Before and after BBL treatments

All before and after photos are displayed with specific patient consent. Results may vary, discuss your individual needs with your health practitioner.

Geelong Veins, Skin & Laser

Not sure where to start?

Book a skin analysis or test patch appointment with one of our dermal clinicians.

Photo Rejuvenation Treatment / BBL (Broad Band Light)